
Category: How To Guides

How to raise a concern

A guide to whistleblowing for neonatal healthcare professionals.
9 Jul 2024

How to Write an Abstract

A BAPM 'How To' Guide
9 Apr 2024

How to apply for a BAPM Group

5 Aug 2021
Members only

How to apply for Neonatal Grid Training

A BAPM 'How To' Guide
19 Oct 2020
Members only

How to Develop Your Profile in the Neonatal World

A BAPM 'How To' Guide
18 Dec 2018
Members only

How to Write a Professional Neonatal CV

A BAPM 'How To' Guide
18 Dec 2018
Members only

How to Prepare for your Consultant Interview

A BAPM 'How To' Guide
1 Nov 2018
Members only

How to Run a Journal Club

A BAPM 'How To' Guide
9 Oct 2018
Members only
British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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