Following a notification from a coroner BAPM would like to draw attention to the following recommendations in BAPM documents about the availability of on-call consultants. BAPM encourages all trusts to review their processes to make sure they are in line with these recommendations.

“For all levels of NNU [neonatal unit] it is not appropriate for a consultant to provide out of hours cover to two geographically separate sites simultaneously. Similarly, where a consultant or CCT holder is resident and there are less Tier 2 staff as a result, another consultant should provide Tier 3 cover (i.e. a single consultant cannot simultaneously cover at Tier 2 and Tier 3 if such cover is normally provided by two separate clinicians of appropriate training and experience).”
Service and Quality Standards for Provision of Neonatal Care in the UK (November 2022) [Page 24]  

“Clinical service commitment during daytime clinical shifts and on calls is paramount. Any other service commitments must not prevent 24/7 immediate availability to the neonatal service including the provision of advice and, where required, in person attendance. In person attendance out of hours should always be within 30 minutes. Immediate availability of consultants will be dependent on the experience of resident Tier 2 staff, particularly in relation to airway skills. This may require resident consultant models in some instances. Local solutions for covering additional areas such as general paediatrics and neonatal transport will need to be robustly job-planned and risk assessed.”
Consultant Working Patterns – A BAPM Report (2023) [page 5]

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British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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