This document sets out standards for safely managing the neonatal airway in neonatal services in the UK. The document focuses on unit capability and aims to ensure that a safe service is always available.

The purpose of this document is to

  • Set out standards for ensuring safe airway management for babies in Maternity and Neonatal Services in the UK.
  • Outline the minimum expected departmental capabilities for airway management in different settings, recognising the current challenges in maintaining universal intubation competency in all units.
  • Provide guidance on optimising airway management.
  • Provide supporting training and assessment materials as well as signposting other suitable training resources.
  • Suggest areas for research and innovation to improve safe neonatal airway management.

This framework complements the existing BAPM Framework for Practice on Managing the Difficult Airway in the Neonate.


  • BAPM Airway Safety Standard main document

Supporting Materials for this Capability Framework

Training Materials

  • BAPM Airway Skills Training and Assessment Tools (Appendix A)
  • Tips for videolaryngoscopy (Appendix B)
  • A short guide to use of waveform capnography (Appendix C)

Practical Support Materials

  • Poster: Airway Equipment and Initial Respiratory Support Settings (Appendix D)
  • Intubation Checklist (Appendix E)
  • LISA Checklist (Appendix F)

Assessment Materials

Appendix G, H and I are Excel files. 

*Please download and save these files in order to view and use the drop-down function within them.*

  • Intubation/ LISA Log (Appendix G)
  • Individual Airway Competency Assessment form (Appendix H)
  • Neonatal Unit Staff Airway Assessment Log (Appendix I)

E-learning module

Premedication for neonatal intubation

Access e-learning

BAPM Neonatal Airway Safety Standard
Appendix A - Airway Skills Training and Assessment Tools
Appendix B: Tips for Videolaryngoscopy
Appendix C: Guide to Waveform Capnography
Appendix D: Airway Equipment and Initial Respiratory Support Settings Poster
Appendix E: Intubation Checklist
Appendix F: LISA Checklist
Appendix G - Intubation/ LISA Log (Excel)
Appendix H - Individual Airway Competency Assessment form (Excel)
Appendix I - Neonatal Unit Staff Airway Assessment Log
Consultation Responses
British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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