New QI Story - Reducing Severe Intraventricular Haemorrhages
In this QI storyboard we hear how University College London Hospitals designed and launched a care bundle with the aim to reduce intraventricular haemorrhages.
Launched in March 2021, the bundle was applied to all preterm babies born at 30 weeks’ gestation or less and includes perinatal optimisation and protective measures to be applied at resuscitation and in the first 72 hours of life.
Find out how UCL reduced their overall incidence of all intraventricular haemorrhages by 20% since implementation.
Read their full story here:
QI Storyboard: Reducing Severe Intraventricular Haemorrhages
Previous QI Stories:
Introduction of Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) ventilation in a NICU - Mar 2023
Transitional Care Virtual Training Programme - Mar 2022
Adopting Baby Friendly Standards in a SCU - Feb 2021
Optimal Cord Clamping - Sep 2020
Chest Physiotherapy on Extremely Premature Infants - July 2020
Reducing late onset MRSA & MSSA bacteraemias in newborn infants - May 2020
The Chameleon Project: Improving end of life care - Mar 2020
Family Integrated Care Bundle - Jan 2020
Labour Ward Cuddles <30 Weeks - Nov 2019
NeoThermal: Reducing Rates of Neonatal Hypothermia - Aug 2019
Unite - Keeping Families Together - Reducing Term Admissions - April 2019
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