An innovative step by step pathway designed to enable neonatal professionals to put theory and evidence behind infant and family centred, developmentally supportive care into practice. It is closely linked to the more advanced NIDCAP training model but aims to support all approaches to early developmental intervention in neonatal care.

Course aims:

Family centred developmental care improves the experience of infants and parents during neonatal care and has the potential to enhance health and development outcomes.

This two-day course has strong practical and interactive components and will provide a comprehensive overview of the theory, scope and evidence for family centred developmental care. Help you to evaluate practice and raise awareness of your own practice and help you to identify goals for your continuing development.

Topics include:

- Models of developmental care
- Brain development
- Observing babies
- Family participation
- Skin to skin
- Stress and pain
- Sensory environment
- Early feeding experience
- Motor development and positioning
- Positive touch

This course is designed to reflect the recommendations in the Department of Health (2009) Toolkit for High Quality Neonatal Care, and to help units work towards BLISS Family Friendly Accreditation.

The cost is £300 including lunch and refreshments.

To book:
Contact: Michelle Sweeting

British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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